
Understanding the Features

The main purpose of this publication is to guide the reader in choosing the correct product, within the portfolio of DueZero solutions . As these products are very specific in their field of application we have tried to simplify the terms of the presentations in order to give answers to the questions that would normally be asked during the meetings with our clients.
We remain available to anyone wishing to explore topics, or wish to ask more questions.

Icam Cam-Post

Universal Generator of CNC Post-Processors

Cam-Post is the Universal Post-Processors CNC generator, able to drive any kind of machine tool up to 14 axes. Cam-Post is not enough to create CNC programs. The company must be equipped at least with one CAM system to produce the tool paths for Cam-Post in order to build result for the specific machine tool. Very often we are asked why choose Cam-Post when almost all modern CAM systems have their own internal solution for the generation of Post-Processors. There are, in our view, a variety of reasons and report a summary of the most important ones:
Cam-Post is an expert system ever developed, in last 40 years, by a specialized company. The features and performance of the product are not comparable with the post-processing modules embebbed in CAM systems.
Buy Cam-Post becomes a investment in the software, and in the development of its applications, linked to the machine tool. Everybody knows the average life of a CAM system in the company is much lower than a machine tool life. This means that very often you have to rewrite Post-Processors for different CAM systems, during the life of the machine itself, with great waste of time and human resources. The Post-Processors developed with Cam-Post can be used with multiple CAM systems without having to be rewritten and have a life tied exclusively to the Machine.
Cam-Post is supported by a team of specialists who use daily the entire solution, developing and maintenancing Post-Processors for customers. CAM systems builders are normally focused on core applications developmet and consider Post-Processing as secondary focus. Also CAD-CAM resells almost never has dedicated resources to this development activities and support services. Customers using Cam-Post can enjoy the right level of service for a "mission critical" application as one must consider the Post-Processor in the modern cycle of Manufacturing.

Icam Virtual Machine

Machine Tool Simulator

Virtual Machine is a graphical application that allows the development of a complete virtual model of the machine tool and a subsequent simulation (with Cam-Post) or emulation (with Control Emulator) for all machine movements, together with dynamic removal of material being processed. Virtual Machine must always be coupled to one of the two modules Icam Cam-Post and / or Control Emulator.
When coupled with Cam-Post system is said to simulation, as the visual result is the result of the choices of the kinematics Post-Processor (this is not the APT simulation, but its result).
When Virtual Machine is coupled to the Control Emulator it says that the resulting system is emulation, as the visual results are directly linked to the ISO code read input.
Virtual Machine allows to determinate collisions in real time between all the elements in play for the simulation. When paired with Cam-Post, Virtual Machine is able to predict and avoid some collisions, optimizing the resulting toolpath. Simulation capabilities probing, introduced by version 19 of the software, allows you to emphasize your feedback with Cam-Post making the system able to govern themselves and change the path resulting tool, for example in relation to the disposal of the part to be machined on the NC machine.

Icam Control Emulator

"G-Code" CNC Emulator

Control-Emulator is an application able to read any type of CNC program and driving ICAM Virtual Machine or DELMIA simulation systems (Part of the Catia V5 - V6 suite of products).
Control Emulator can manage machine tools of any type, up to 14 axes, and allows you to read tool paths of particular complexity, through the use of special Pre-Processors are able to interpret advanced features of the latest generation CNC.
Control Emulator is designed to operate in conjunction with the application Siemes VNCK, allowing a perfect emulation of CNC Series 840D, for the most demanding applications.

Icam Cam-Apt-Surf

APT Processor

Cam-APT-Surf is a level 4 APT processor, developed and maintained by ICAM Technologies, able to process multi-axis APT sources and compatible with many systems APT no longer neglected or not available on the latest hardware platforms. It lends particulary itself as replacement tool for companies that are still using APT sources for the production and require maintenance and powerful application that allows to safely continue the use and maintenance of existing sources.
Cam-APT-Surf uses CAM-POST as a post-processing system, which is directly interfaced. So it can be easily inserted in existing manufacturing environments, using fully the PSE product suite.

Icam Smart Path

Tool Path Optimization Feature

ICAM SmartPATH is unique software designed to dynamically and automatically optimize machine tool motions and positions based on standard toolpaths generated by CAD / CAM systems.
SmartPATH automatically generates safe and minimized non-cutting motions within the machine working envelope and ignores non-optimized unsafe positioning motions generated by CAM systems and instead automatically replaces them with minimized safe motions based on the machine tool kinematics, physical travel limitations and axes positioning rates.
SmartPATH ensures the generated multi-axis motions do not cause collisions with dynamically changing in-process stock and all other surroundings such as the fixtures and moving / non-moving components of the machine. It does not require clearance planes or geometric safety zones to be defined by the NC programmer. SmartPATH automatically finds the optimal path to move the tool from one pose to another, respecting the specific machine kinematics, travel limits and physical constraints. Smart Path requirement is Cam-Post and Virtual Machine used together.

Icam UHF

Universal Holding Fixture automation System

A Universal Holding Fixture (UHF) and relative methods corresponds to flexible fixture mechanisms to accommodate a wide range of work-piece contours, geometries, sizes, and configurations. As compared to traditional clamping / holding assemblies that are created for one part and can not be easily used for various different part shapes and dimensions.
ICAM’s integrated post-processing & machine simulation solution allows programmers to quickly and efficiently program various types of UHF systems. What used to take hours or days can now be done in minutes depending on the machining complexity.

Spectrum Multi-DNC

PC-CNC Connection System and Machine Tool Monitoring

Multi-DNC is a stand-alone application that allows you to connect the CNC of your machine tools to the corporate network and to create security protocols with which the CNC can access programs, stored on a network server.
As an option, Multi-DNC CNC can monitor the activity of obtaining information on the main events of the Machine Tool and recording them in a database, used later to build production reports.


Tel: +39 049 8912540
Fax: +39 049 8912544
email: info@duezero.com


Virtual Machine



Smart Path

UHF Solutions

